To say life has been a little crazy lately would definitely be an understatement! This time of year is always a little crazy for us as a family, but this year it seems more so than usual. We've got some exciting things happening that I will be sharing on here shortly, but until then I'll catch you up on what we've been up to lately!
First, we're in the process of selling a home we own back in Texas. The phrase "adulting is hard" has never, ever felt more relevant than it does when you're in the process of selling a home. I've been back and forth to Texas multiple times and I never thought I would say this, but renting a dumpster was possibly one of the best decisions I've made in my adult life. I'm thinking of doing a post about tips for selling your first home, so if that's something you'd be interested in - let me know! I also want to take the time to thank our families. They have been instrumental in helping us throughout this process and I will never be able to thank them enough!
Although we've fallen off the paleo/Whole30 wagon as of late, we have been doing a lot of walking outside since the weather has been so nice. Some days walking Pecan is a chore (especially during the winter), but walking in our nearby park has been as good as therapy lately! Most things in our life are pretty hectic and going a million miles an hour so I really cherish the opportunity to slow down for that hour. When I have been making paleo meals at home, I'm reaching for a fast recipe like this beef and broccoli and this green bean stir-fry.
I also recently tried an aerial silks class - if you follow me on social media you might have seen a few snaps from it! It's unlike anything I've ever tried before and I've had quite a few people ask about it since, so look for a post about it as well. Sadly I haven't been able to do much shopping, so I haven't had too much on the fashion front to share with you #Iliveinleggings, but you better bet I'm prepping for the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale. Early access starts later this week so be sure to check back for all my picks!
I can't tell you how much I've missed writing blog posts lately, so I promise you will be seeing me more regularly on here from now on! Have a great rest of your week!
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