- My Madewell tote is sold out in the color I have, but here is a great alternative (under $35!)
- Kendra Scott's new Mystic Bazaar collection is fabulous, my favorite is this bracelet
- I can't stop shopping One King's Lane for home goods and inspiration
- I can't wait to break out this cashmere scarf from the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale
- I think I could give these little pillows a nice home
- A great top to transition you from summer to fall
- Hopefully this Nars palette will help me break out of the makeup rut I'm currently in
Around the Web:
- An interesting read on why your favorite outlet store might be bad for business
- Learn the one word women need to stop saying at work
- 19 tips for how to shop smart when it comes to investment pieces
- What successful people do during their 3 day weekend
- The best tricks of the trade from a beauty editor
- A granola recipe from Food & Frenchies that I'm dying to try out
- A reason to binge watch this weekend
From Mrs. on the Move:
- Be nosy and see what's in my bag
- The first post from my wardrobe essentials series
- Don't miss out on the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale, see my top picks here
After getting things for the apartment and the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale, my bank account definitely needs a break. I'm thinking of doing a month without shopping for anything unnecessary. Have any of y'all done this?
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