It's been a while - nearly two month have passed since I published my last blog post and even before that things were a little sparse around here. I wish I could give you some amazing reason why it's been that way, but if I'm being totally honest life just got really busy and my heart just wasn't into creating content. I told myself at some point last year that I didn't want to write if it wasn't something I felt strongly about or truly enjoyed creating and that's when I realized that I needed to step back for a bit and focus on some other things in my life.
Although the type-A perfectionist in me hates to admit this, the last half of 2017 left me physically and mentally exhausted and lacking any desire to be creative. I was wearing a lot of different hats and did a really poor job of taking care of myself. My energy suffered and it showed. I looked tired, found myself snapping at Kyle and my family and the healthy lifestyle I had worked so hard to develop went out the window. Although my focus was where it needed to be at the time, it caused other areas - the blog, my social life and healthy lifestyle - to take a backseat.
It wasn't until Christmas that I realized just how much I needed to take some time to focus on myself. I missed going to fitness classes, cooking, seeing friends and blogging. Writing is therapeutic, shooting pictures is cherished time spent with Kyle and the meaningful relationships I'm able to create with all of you is something that is not easily replaced. So, if you're like me and 2017 left you feeling a little worse for wear, here are a few things I did to get back on track and give some self-love.
First and foremost you have to actually give yourself a break. Everyone's circumstances are a little different, but take a day, week or a few months to step back from whatever is stretching you a little too thin and spend some time reflecting on why you started to feel this way and what adjustments you can make. For me the break obviously ended up being a couple of months and I took the time to focus on my family and getting settled into our new house. Ultimately I realized just how much I missed everything else and going forward I needed to make adjustments to work them back into my routine.
Ask for help. Holy cow is this one the hardest thing for me and where the above mentioned "adjustment" needed to happen. Asking for help is not something that comes naturally to me, but after going back and reading this post I realized that I can't be everything to everyone in my life. It's funny how and when things I write become applicable to me personally.
Try something new. Sometimes doing the same thing day after day is enough to make you feel burned out. Maybe you stop by a new coffee shop on your way to work, check out a fitness class you've always wanted to take or try out a hobby with a friend or your significant other. In the end these new things might not be for you, but it's something to break you out of your comfort zone and current routine which just might be exactly what you need!
Whether you're feeling burned out from work, personal life or just in general I hope this post has helped you realize your not alone in those feelings and it's okay to take a break every once in a while! Now that I'm back I just wanted to give you a little info on what you can expect around here at Mrs. on the Move - my goal (using y'all as accountability) is to post here three times a week with a focus on fashion, healthy eating/fitness and home decor. I'll be posting to Instagram and Instagram stories more frequently with little tidbits of my day so be sure to follow along there to see what we're up to!
It's good to be back!
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