free people floral tunic fall leave happy thanksgiving red leaf midwest fall

I hope each and every one of you have the happiest of Thanksgivings and are able to spend time with your loved ones!  Although Kyle and I aren't going home for Thanksgiving this year, we are still taking time to think about the people and things we are thankful for while spending a quiet night at home.

It's easy to get wrapped up in the "busy" of every day life, so I am grateful for this time to reflect on the things that mean the most to me.

I am thankful for my family and the love they show me by being a sounding board and support system.  

The amazing opportunity we have to live in Chicago and the wonderful friends we have been able to reconnect with while living here.

Our spoiled fur child, Pecan, for making me smile and truly being woman's best friend.

Each and every one of you!  I love the relationships I have gained from blogging and the support that comes along with them! 

And last but definitely not least, Kyle.  He knows me better than anyone else, loves me for exactly who I am, and is always my biggest cheerleader.  I would truly be lost without him.   

I know this is a little different than my usual style posts, so thank you for reading and taking the time to be thankful with me!

Happy Thanksgiving! 

P.S. If braving the Black Friday crowds really isn't your thing, be sure to check back later on tonight/tomorrow morning for a roundup of all the best sales online!